SMS/Email/Sound when get consecutive PING loss/timeout and restored
  • Download and Register to get free SMS to try. client supernet360
  • Another version for WhatsApp/Email alert without registration. Linux version here
  • Setup any number of consecutive PING loss to get alerts  - Keep PING your Local LAN or Internet servers with SMS / Mail / Sound alerts when get consecutive PING loss/timeout. Alert you again when PING back to normal. Let you know when is abnormal and when is back exactly. 
  • Alert you once only when PING normal <--> PING consecutive loss status changed - No keep sending you alerts when it remains PING loss.
  • Alerts include SMS, Email and Sound. SMS and Email alerts send out from our server and has option to send additional email alert Local/Hotmail/Yahoo/SMTP at the same time to ensure you can receive alerts.
  • Different host alert text to different people  - Setup different mobile phone and alert text for different host
  • I am Alive mail notification Setup to mail you the current monitoring log periodically to let you know program is up and keep monitoring
  • Save PING loss data to log file and separate the log files by date automatically.
  • Allow to limit SMS sending a day - Cap # of SMS sending to avoid large SMS alerts when abnormal situation happened. if you set max. # is 10 then the 10th SMS will have 10/10 in the end. No SMS alert but you still can get mail alerts. Counter will be reset at midnight to let you get SMS alerts next day
  • Not only monitor PING timeout but also monitor all other PING situation - Also include host is "Request Time Out","Dest Network Not Reachable" "Dest Host Not Reachable", "TTL Expired in Transit","TTL Expired Reassemb" .....etc
  • Below is alert text examples. You can setup alert text or use default. 

Use default alert text and you will receive SMS alerts as below

  • 2015-06-13 23:47:37 SQL server Ping Timeout ... 87 seconds (20 times) ping timeout from 2015-06-13 23:46:10 to 23:47:37
  • 2015-06-14 01:22:32 SQL server Ping OK , Back to Normal Reply from Bytes = 32 RTT = 2ms TTL = 64

    Note: SQL server is the DESCRIPTION you can setup

Or setup alert text for different servers

  • Timeout text example setup "AP1 MYSQL Ping Timeout. <duration>"  and you will receive SMS alert as below
    2015-05-28 07:25:58 AP1 MYSQL Ping Timeout. 133 seconds (30 times) ping timeout from 2015-05-28 07:23:45 to 07:25:58
  • Back text example setup "AP1 MYSQL Ping OK. <response>" and you will receive SMS as below
    2015-05-28 08:30:32 AP1 MYSQL Ping OK.Reply from Bytes = 32 RTT = 2ms TTL = 64

Variable <duration> and <response>

  • <duration> for "Timeout SMS" , it will be replaced by "xx seconds (yy times) ping timeout  from yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss to hh:mm:ss"
  • <response> for "Back to normal SMS" , it will be replaced by "Reply from xx.xx.xx.xx Bytes = xx RTT = xms TTL = xx"

Note : put <duration> for "Timeout SMS" and <response> for "Back to normal SMS" . It will not be replaced if you put the variable in wrong way  ScreenShot for setup

Another tools :

CPU_Alert : Monitor CPU/MEM usage and alert you when it keep continuous abnormal HIGH or LOW

Port_Alert : Monitor TCP applications such as FTP(tcp port 21), SSH(22), SMTP(25),  MSSQL(1433), MYSQL(3306) or any self defined port number. Monitor your applications from remote /          cpu_alert ping_alert port_alert smscmd mailcmd register purchase SMS about us