can setup
number of consecutive PING loss to get alerts
PING constantly to monitor your
internet or LAN servers with SMS / Mail / Sound alerts when get
consecutive PING loss.
You can setup consecutive 1
or 2 or 3,...10.. or..20..100..500...... ping loss to
send you alerts.
Alert you only when PING loss the first time reach the setting of
consecutive # - No keep sending you alerts
it remains PING loss. Alert you again when PING back to
normal then alert you next time get consecutive PING loss. Keep
monitoring 7/24 and send your alerts.
No alerts loss via 2 different mail servers
Mail alerts send
out from our mail server and has option to send out from yours or
Yahoo/ Hotmail SMTP server at the same time to let you get mail
alert even if our site has problem. Check Gmail/
Yahoo/ Hotmail SMTP setup
Sound alert to get operators
attention whenever ping loss
I am alive notice
- Setup to mail
you the current monitoring log periodically to let you know
monitoring program is running and watching
your servers.
Save PING loss data to log file and separate the
log files by date automatically.
Different alert text for
different host - Set up different text for
different host alert message
Allow to limit SMS sending
a day - Cap # of SMS
sending to avoid large SMS alerts when
abnormal situation happened. if you
set max. # is 10 then the 10th SMS will have 10/10 in the end. No
SMS alert but you still can get mail alerts.
Counter will be reset
at 00:00 to let you get SMS alerts next day
Not only monitor PING timeout but also monitor all other PING
situation - Also include host is "Request Time Out","Dest Network Not Reachable" "Dest Host Not Reachable", "TTL
Expired in Transit","TTL Expired Reassemb" .....etc
Freeware for all Windows.
SMS cost only.
Register to get
password and free SMS to try
Monitoring locally and
send SMS alert locally or globally to your clients.
If you need batch update or maintain host file
- click START then input %appdata%. Go to "Users\ username\AppData\local\VirtualStore\Program
Files (x86)\Ping_Alert". Update hosts.txt.
Below is
alert text examples.
You can setup alert text or use program
Use default
alert text
2015-06-13 23:47:37
Ping Timeout ... 87 seconds (20 times)
ping timeout from 2015-06-13 23:46:10 to 23:47:37
2015-06-14 01:22:32 Ping OK , Back to
Normal Reply from Bytes = 32 RTT = 2ms TTL =
setup your alert text for different servers
Timeout text
example setup "AP1 MYSQL Ping Timeout.
You will receive "2015-05-28 07:25:58 AP1 MYSQL
Ping Timeout. 133 seconds (30 times) ping timeout from
2015-05-28 07:23:45 to 07:25:58"
Back text example
setup "AP1 MYSQL Ping OK, restored.
You will receive "2015-05-28 08:30:32 AP1 MYSQL Ping OK,
restored. Reply from Bytes = 32 RTT = 2ms TTL =
Variable <duration> and
<response> -
<duration> for
"timeou SMS" , it will be replaced by "xx seconds (yy
times) ping
timeout from yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss to hh:mm:ss"
<response> for
"back to norma SMS" , it will be replaced by "Reply from xx.xx.xx.xx Bytes = xx RTT = xms TTL =
Noticed : put
<duration> for "Timeout SMS"
and <response> for "Back to normal SMS"
. It will not be replaced if you put the variable in wrong way
Setting screenshot